The deadline for completing the financial aid application for the 2024—2025 academic year, 包括相关补充文件, 是12月15日, 2023. 


In an effort to provide our community with the most up-to-date, 流线型的, and time-saving financial aid application process, 伦理文化菲尔德斯顿学校(ECFS)将过渡到清晰作为365体育足彩的财务援助申请的第三方处理器. 365体育足彩渴望开始使用这个新系统. If you have questions or comments, please contact Victoria Daley at (电子邮件保护)

要开始,请访问 清晰的网站 and create an account before starting an application. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. The Clarity application is also mobile-friendly so you may complete it from anyw在这里. You are also able to save your progress and return at any time. 在应用程序的最后, 提交需要缴纳60美元的费用, 你还可以与其他接受Clarity申请的学校分享你的申请,而不收取额外费用. Simply use the dropdown menu in the application to select those schools. 

After completing and submitting your Clarity application, 请记得回到仪表盘, as ECFS requires you to upload a copy of your current pay statement.

If you need assistance during the application process, Clarity通过屏幕左下方的“帮助”按钮提供应用内支持, 以及电子邮件和电话支持 (电子邮件保护) 电话:206-210-3752,英语和西班牙语均可. The application itself is also available in Spanish.

Please refer to the links below for additional helpful information:


2024–2025 tuition for all grades, Pre-K–12th: $65,540


中菲尔德斯顿和上菲尔德斯顿, 学生支付书费, 供应, 以及其他与课程相关的费用. Lunch, the yearbook, and student accident insurance are already included in tuition.


An optional 10-month payment plan is available to all families.



在ecf, 365体育足彩相信为孩子们提供最好的进步和道德教育的机会,这种教育可以扩大他们的人性, 告知他们的个人能动性, 并赋予他们利用智力的能力, 想象力, 创造力, 以及为共同利益服务的道德意志.

Understanding that virtue is a habit and not a state of being, 365体育足彩努力帮助365体育足彩的学生找到他们喜欢做的和必须做的事情的意义和目的,因为这两者都是实现自我的必要条件,也是谋生和生活的区别所在.

比如365体育足彩的创始人Felix Adler, who first named our School the Workingman’s School, 365体育足彩也支持公平和包容. We aim for our student body to reflect the demographics of our city — culturally, 在经济上, 种族, 这就是为什么365体育足彩吸引了来自纽约大都会138个邮政编码的学生,并承诺每年提供超过1700万美元的经济援助, granting awards to one in five students ranging from $5,000-$60,000美元. We celebrate diversity in its many forms as essential to educational excellence.


请点击 在这里 获取有关财政援助申请过程的重要信息和资源(西班牙语版), 点击 在这里). 您不需要包括2022年的1040s和W2s. 如果你表明你在美国报税,他们将自动从美国国税局提取. However, you will need to upload a copy of a current pay statement. 

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请联系维多利亚戴利,财政援助主任,在 (电子邮件保护) or 718-329-7341.




经济援助是为符合条件的家庭提供的基于需求的学费援助,以抵消ECFS教育的成本. Unlike a student loan, financial aid does not need to be repaid.


家庭 with students in Pre-K through 12th Grade may apply, 虽然学前班的助学金是有限的.

Does applying for aid influence the eligibility for acceptance decision?

家庭 are encouraged to apply for aid as early as possible because of limited funds. 在学生达到入学资格之前,不会提供经济援助.


一个家庭的经济需求是学费和家庭支付能力之间的差额. 365体育足彩使用Clarity来帮助确定一个家庭能够为教育费用贡献多少. 家庭 complete the Clarity application form online. 一旦申请被处理, 清晰为365体育足彩提供了一个关于家庭支付教育费用能力的一般性建议. 财政援助办公室使用评估作为分配财政援助奖励的指导. Other factors are also used when determining the financial need of a family, such as the number of children in tuition-charging schools, 所有收入来源, 储蓄, 投资, 和资产.


是的. 所有有关家长财务状况的信息将被严格保密. This information is used only to arrive at a fair determination of financial need.


ECFS requires families receiving aid to re-apply each year. 了解家庭有义务确保学校业务办公室的所有账户都是最新的, if a family is in arrears and has not made special arrangements with the business office, the financial aid office may not allocate aid for the following year. If your financial status changes, you may be awarded more or less aid in any given year.


Clarity应用程序确保每个家庭的需求都能得到公平公正的衡量. 如果您认为您的资源不足以支付ECFS教育的总费用, 365体育足彩鼓励你申请援助. You are always welcome to contact the financial aid office to discuss this process further.

Is t在这里 a repayment obligation when a family receives financial aid from ECFS?

No. T在这里 is no obligation to repay financial aid grant money awarded by the school. 贷款不同于助学金. 家长向独立方提供的任何贷款都应按照特定的贷款协议偿还.


No. All financial aid at ECFS is awarded on the basis of demonstrated need.

What percentage of the student body receives financial aid?


Are the costs of books and lunch included in the tuition? 还包括其他费用吗?

Lunch is included in our tuition, but books are not. 菲尔德斯顿中学和菲尔德斯顿高中的学生平均需要额外支付750美元的书费. If you receive financial aid, the same reduction will be applied to the cost of books.


是的. The school is trying to keep all costs at a minimum, 但也有额外的成本, 尤其是在菲尔德斯顿上游. The tuition and fees listed do not cover such costs as transportation, 健身房的衣服, 个人音乐课, 需要旅行, 运动的费用, 以及可以上网的电脑.

Do you assign an income for parents who do not work?

是的. ECFS希望每个家庭在申请经济援助之前先查看自己的所有资源. We will impute a salary to the parent who is not earning income. 家庭 who have children under the age of 5 are exempt from this policy.


是的. 学校校董会每年一月举行会议,检讨下一学年的学费. 学费 revenues cover only about 85% of the School’s annual operating expenses; the remainder comes principally from annual giving and endowment income. 随着学校的运营成本随着时间的推移而增加,学费也在增加,试图缩小差距.


家庭 are asked to apply for financial aid by the December 15 deadline. 如果你没有在你的孩子被ECFS录取的入学年度申请经济资助,你将不会获得资助. 唯一例外的情况是在您的环境发生重大变化的情况下, 比如失业, 父母一方死亡, additional child entering a tuition-charging school, or an illness that prevents a parent from earning income.


365体育足彩预计分居或离婚的父母将为他们孩子的教育费用作出贡献, regardless of whether or not t在这里 is a legal obligation for them to do so. 在离婚或分居的情况下, ECFS requires information from both natural parents and stepparents. 

365体育足彩理解这些家庭的艰难时刻,但要求每位家长填写并提交一份Clarity财务援助申请. 而经济援助委员会在决定奖学金时将考虑亲生父母和继父母的资产, we take into consideration the other obligations of that stepparent.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请联系维多利亚戴利,财政援助主任,在 (电子邮件保护) or 718-329-7341.

Fieldston Lower students practice writing letters with their language specialist.